
Friday May 31, 2013
Dog, present-day purebred gray and white pit bull, 9 kg
I waited in the carrier, my heart pounding with fear and a growl rising up in my throat. The Human soon came out, covers shaped like his hands on his fingers. I could smell the past terrors of previous dogs, and those terrors fueled mine. I whined and snarled when the carrier opened, and I lunged for the brightness outside. I hoped to attack any Human in sight, but I was only a pup and couldn’t go very much anywhere. I managed to stick my teeth in the male’s palm and later his arm, in which he grunted with a satisfactory pain.
But everything scared me. The female from before appeared and pinned me down after I gave her a few good snaps. The male clasped a mask around my muzzle. I was terrified. So scared. I whined and growled and shrieked I was terrified.
“Give ‘em the gas!” the male hollered.
And then I knew, before the pungent smell even hit my nose, that I was going to die.
At the last moments before my brain went and I collapsed, a sudden calm came over me and I knew.
Humans were the cruelest creatures on the Earth.
Locked in a cold room for eternity.
Always bonded, always trapped.
Hurt. So much hurt.
And I would die alone.
Without my siblings.
Without my mother.
I would die.
And then.
The world disappeared.

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