

STEM Project for 8th grade Science in GRMS.
Written in perspectives of different species of animals around the world, this blog refers to the Science section of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and associates human impact on these animals.

A few posts are dedicated to each animal, animals alternating with each post. The intention is for people to realize how they are destroying the planet and affecting other species.
This project will raise awareness to the public and open people's eyes about how us humans are affecting different animals and their habitats negatively across the world.


Dog: Purebred male gray and white pit bull living in present-day United States, 9 kg

Giant Panda: Male giant panda living during the population boom in China (1951), 93 kg

Tri-colored Blackbird: Female tri-colored blackbird living in present-day United States, California, 42 g

Asiatic Lion: Female Asiatic lion living in present-day India, 163 kg

Spinner Dolphin: Female spinner dolphin living on the coasts of present-day Thailand, 64 kg


"But why would a dog ever love a Human? It seemed impossible. There was nothing good that I could see about Humans, only bad. They were disgusting, repulsive creatures, yet superior to dogs...the question ran through my head for a longer time span than any other question has: Why?

"The nest was crushed, my chicks were gone, and I did not think they were alive anymore. They had died horrifying deaths. I failed in shielding them from the world like a mother was supposed to do. I had lost two of them. Two of the ones that I had raised up, from their births. And now, their deaths...I felt like a failure. What is a mother who can’t even protect her own chicks? 
Once again, we were driven out of our home. Twice in my lifetime...What more would happen to us? Where would we go?" 
Tri-colored Blackbird.

"The Stream
Clean water

Dozer wheels splashing in

Tainting it

Dirtying it.
The Bamboo Patch
My place
Dozer jaws
Crunch, crunch
the Patch
Is no More.
The Tree
Wise tree
Dozer teeth
Splintering its bark
It falls
With a mighty Creak
A mighty Groan
Toppled and Killed
Its last Gasp of Air.
I watch
As all that I have known
All that I am
Into Nothing


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